On July 20, 2008 we were seeing the sights around Rapid City, SD. When we returned to the motor home we smelled the acrid smell associated with electrical fires. We noted that nothing inside the motor home was working, the 110 volt outlets were dead and the batteries were loosing their power. I called the maintenance people from Hart Ranch, where we were staying, and they checked the power connection and said it was OK. I then called Dennis RV service; they will be out the next morning. We spent the evening in total darkness and went to bed very early.
July 21, 2008, Dennis checked out our system. The inverter was not functional. Dennis removed the inverter and jury rigged electrical lines so we could have power. He also tried to repair the inverter by replacing a blown fuse; when that failed to work, he said the inverter had been “fried.” We subsequently found several appliances were non-functional; we removed the TVs and found the plugs were OK but the TVs were truly dead. The other appliances we lost were a convection oven (portable), 3 fans, and a bread maker (brand new). To make matters worse the electric toilet would not work and I had to kneel down and turn a knob in the back of the toilet in order to flush - no, we were not having fun. I then called Bonnie at National Interstate to report the loss; she took my information and gave me a claim number.
July 22, 2008, I talked to Jason the bean counter at the insurance company regarding our claim, who promptly told me our disappearing deductible had only one year with no claim because of a replacement of one-half of our windshield a year and 10 months earlier. He went on to say that none of the appliances were covered and they would depreciate all of the affected electrical equipment. I was real happy about this since we had been paying money for replacement coverage on contents. When I asked Jason about this he emailed me the small print stuff in the back of the policy that says these items are only covered in the event of flood, fire or natural disaster! And here I thought they were there to help me.
July 23, 2008, I talked to Jason the Hun regarding the purchase of a new inverter, about how important it was to the overall function of the motor home and our ability to stay in it. Surprisingly, he agreed and approved the purchase. Right after my conversation with Jason Connie received a call from the family that her Uncle Lester had died. We prepared for the trip home to Woonsocket, SD.
July 24, 2008, I called Jason the geek and told him about having to go home for the funeral. We traveled the 300 miles to the farm, traveled another 150 miles to pick up Connie’s parents and sister at the Sioux Falls airport, and prepared for the funeral on Saturday.
July 26, 2008. We attended Lester’s Funeral, a very sad time for our family. Lester was Connie's youngest uncle - a kind, warm, wonderful guy who will be missed. His death leaves a huge void in our family.
July 27, 2008, 2:00 a.m., we woke up to the motor home being buffeted by wind and rain. A loud crashing noise forced me to go outside in torrential wind and rain to discover that our awning was attached to the motor home at the roof line only; the arms were a useless, bent pile of metal. By the light of constant lightning I lassoed the awning and tied it to the car, all the while feeling like Moses parting the Red Sea. That next day we read about the three tornadoes in our area and thanked God we weren’t waking up in Kansas with Toto.
The next few days were spent with family and working on the motor home. The new inverter arrived and I installed it, I also bought and installed a surge protector. We are finally able to charge the batteries through the inverter - no more using the portable charger. I was able to duct tape the awning in such a way as to facilitate driving down the highway. I figured 80 mile an hour duct tape was sufficient.
August 4, 2008. After saying our farewells and returning Connie’s parents and sister to the airport in Sioux Falls, we headed west. I called Jason the jackal regarding the awning damage, he said to call the main number and report the incident; I called and got another claim number. I also called Monaco Coach Works in Harrisburg, Oregon. Monaco is the only facility I feel I can trust to fix my motor home and do it right the first time. They were very nice when I described what had happened to us and after a few words with a supervisor we got the go ahead to bring the motor home in for repairs. The other reason to drive the almost 1700 miles to Oregon was the specialty cabinet makers near Eugene who I new had experience in changing motor home cabinetry to fit the new TV’s. This needed to be done because the old tube-type TVs are no longer made and the new ones are wide aspect ratio type (longer and less height).
August 8, 2008, we arrived at the Monaco service facility in Eugene; it was too late to see a service writer or to call that so and so Jason.
August 11, 2008, I talked to a service writer and he came out to the motor home and assessed the damage. I gave him all the insurance information, claim number etc. I then called and updated you know who.
August 13, 2008, Kustom Coach Works came out, took measurements and gave me a bid.
August 14, 2008, I called Jason the rat regarding the bid for the cabinetry and then faxed it to him.
August 15, 2008. Slime Jason called and stated that the cabinetry was too much and that he thought we were just trying to gain from our loss. He also stated that he was going to depreciate the wind sensor to the awning. I was so dumbfounded I told him he was stressing me out, and that any further communication from him should be in writing. It was then I asked myself the question about why I paid insurance - it certainly was not to be told that I was a thief!!
August 18, 2008, I was told by Ronnie at Monaco that the work had not been approved. I called Jason the arrogant little -----; he said he was having a problem with Monaco getting in touch with him so he left a message on Ronnie's phone. Later that day Jason called me about the need to paint portions of the motor home; I explained to his satisfaction that they no longer made the awning arms that were on our coach and the newer style replacement arms were shorter, necessitating a patch and paint job on one side of the motor home. He then stated again that he did not like the cabinetry bid and was going to send an adjuster out to look at the damage. I am beginning to think the insurance company should be paying me for my time.
August 19, 2008. Gene the adjuster came out, took some pictures and left without comment.
August 20, 2008. Jason called with the figures for the awning replacement. He than went on to tell me that he had called Kustom Coach Works and the phone was not working, I later called and found it to be working just fine. My service writer told me he had given a bid for the cabinetry to Jason.
August 25, 2008. I called Jason regarding the cabinetry; he said he needed the bid from Monaco and he was waiting to hear from the adjuster. I am getting confused, how about you? I then talked to Ronnie at Monaco and she said she had spoken to Jason and had given him their bid and he had mentioned to her that he would be sending the adjuster back out to talk to them about the bid. He never mentioned this to me. This is strange because I had asked him why his adjuster had not had the time to get back to him!!!
I am finding it very hard to be civil to someone who has suggested that I may be a thief and has lied to me on more than one occasion.
August 25, 2008, I went to Davis Cabinets and got yet a third estimate for the work, it was less than the other two. I faxed this to the dirt ball.
August 26, 2008, I called Jason the maggot to see if he had gotten the bid from Davis; he said that he had. I then asked him again about the cabinetry work and he then tells me that he needed a notarized affidavit from Monaco regarding the cause of the electrical problems before he could approve anything. Monaco had already told him the cause by phone and told him what the affidavit said; he said he was OK with it, but he needed to see the affidavit itself before he could do anything regarding the cabinetry. Monaco had sent the notarized affidavit in the mail 10 days earlier, does he not believe Monaco? At this point I am thinking maybe he has pigeon holed the affidavit to further drive up my blood pressure. Every time I call he gives me another excuse to delay giving me what I need.
August 27, 2008, I called Jason the weasel and was told that I can’t keep calling him every day; he has told me what he needs and will contact me when he gets it! This is absolutely the last straw. I asked for the claim supervisor's name and number and received both. I then talked to Carry, the little shit’s supervisor, and briefly described my problem with this moron and asked for her help. I also called Gene, the local adjuster who came out and took pictures, and left a message with his secretary to call me. No one has returned my call, big surprise.
The next morning I got a call from Jason the low life, egg sucking poor excuse of a human being, asking “Where do you want me to send the check?” Thank you supervisor!
Hallelujah, we have escaped the clutches of the evil Jason and he has been vanquished from our lives; Ding Dong the witch is dead, etc., etc., etc..
Tuesday the second of September we go to Davis Cabinetry for the final chapter in our “Midsummer’s Nightmare.” By the way, our soon to be ex-insurance company is National Interstate, also known as Great American Assurance, which we got through an agent at Explorer RV Insurance. If you are insured with this company, I suggest you investigate others before you have a claim.
Jason and Gene the insurance adjuster trying to pick my pockets!
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