Friday, May 11, 2012

It's the Humidity!

I am not sure the egg or the chicken came first, but if they grew up in Washington they were definitely bigger; check out the picture, both are large eggs but the ones from here are about 20 percent bigger than the ones we brought from Arizona. Do you think it is the humidity? After all everything grows when it is watered. Click on the date for the rest of my post!
We  wrrrk'd our first weekend and survived! I volunteer for the maintenance committee on Thursdays; male bonding and using men's toys for three hours. Tractors, riding lawnmowers, chain saws, felling trees (timber!); Tim Taylor would love it. The best part is Rachael, our 90 year old cook, fixes lunch for us lumberjacks, yum yum eat em up! Click on the date for the rest of my post.
The view from our front windshield encompasses the office, the entry road, and allows us to  keep an eye on all comings and goings. The cart is my trusty steed to carry out my various and sundry duties here at SKP Evergreen Coho Park. I would say the average age here is about seventy, but it is slowly getting younger and we are getting older. Our name on the list for a lot should come up in about two to three years so we will be almost seventy, but the new seventy is fifty five, that means you who have not retired won't be able to do so until you are about seventy five.?  (:   But keep up the good work, our SS checks depend on it. Look on the bright side, when you are that old the new 80 will be only about 70!
About 30 to 40 percent live here year year around and love it. Rain? What rain? Oh, by the way, high humidity keeps the wrinkles away; Sun City...............? Bah humbug!

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